
Jonathan Jallet

My Bio

My name is Jonathan Jallet, and I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Brussels, Belgium in 1987. From a young age, I knew I had a thirst for adventure, and I dreamt of travelling the world and exploring new cultures.

At the age of 15, I dropped out of school to start working as an electrician, and it wasn’t long before I started working for myself. I became a champion of Belgium after competing as an electrician at Skills Belgium, a national competition that promotes manual jobs for the youth. This opportunity allowed me to represent Belgium at the international competition, Worldskills, held in Calgary, Canada in 2009.

This trip to Canada was my first time out of Europe, and it changed my life forever. I was exposed to so many different cultures, and I discovered a passion for photography. Canada’s vast natural beauty inspired me to capture the world through my camera lens, and I came back to Belgium with a newfound drive to learn more about photography and explore the world.

After a few years of working in Belgium, I began to feel the monotony of routine set in, and I knew I needed a change. I impulsively decided to apply for a working holiday visa to Australia, and to my surprise, I received a positive response within 48 hours. With no hesitation, I booked my plane ticket and set out on an 11-month backpacking trip around the country.

During my time in Australia, I bought my first DSLR camera and a photography for dummies book to teach myself the basics. I practiced and improved my photography skills by exchanging tips and techniques with other photographers and backpackers I met along the way.

When I returned to Belgium, I realized more than ever that I was meant to live in a sunny place, close to the beach. However, I fell back into the same routine of saving money to buy a house like most people do in their mid-twenties.

But when my best friend announced his destination wedding in Mazatlan, Mexico, I saw it as a sign. I sold all my belongings, tied up all my loose ends, and took a one-way flight to San Francisco to begin my journey around the US West Coast before heading to Mazatlan.

Mexico opened my eyes to a whole new world that I never thought existed. I was captivated by its beauty, warm people, and rich culture, and I knew I had found my new home. I spent almost a year travelling around Mexico, living off my savings, and capturing its beauty through my camera lens.

Eventually, I arrived in Puerto Vallarta, and it was here that I fell in love with the city and one of its inhabitants, Claudia. She was also a photographer, and we bonded over our shared passion. As we travelled around the city, we played with our cameras, capturing the beauty of the place and the people.

However, as my savings started to dwindle, I applied for a working holiday visa to Canada, and to my delight, it was approved.

I headed to Vancouver to work as a landscaper, but the cold weather and rain reminded me too much of Belgium, and I soon found myself missing Mexico and Claudia terribly. I quit my job and returned to Puerto Vallarta to be with her. We went back and forth between Canada and Mexico for a while, but I knew that I wanted to build a life in Mexico and pursue my passion for photography.

Claudia and I worked hard together, building our photography business and creating beautiful images for couples and families on vacation in Puerto Vallarta. We focused on wedding photography, capturing the emotions and creating images that told a story. Thanks to the trust of our clients, we were able to build a reputable studio that we still run today. We are living our dream in a beautiful beach town, making priceless memories for beautiful people from all over the world.

Now, Claudia and I have a beautiful daughter together, and my life has never been more fulfilling. Living in Puerto Vallarta most of the year is an absolute dream, and the stunning natural scenery that surrounds us provides endless inspiration for our work. We continue to run our photography studio, and helping couples remember the best day of their lives through our images is something I am incredibly passionate about.

Looking back on my journey, I realize that dropping out of school at 15 to pursue a career in manual labor may not have been the most conventional choice, but it was the right one for me. I learned that sometimes you have to take risks and pursue your passions, even if it means going against the norm. My journey has taken me around the world and allowed me to discover my true passions in life: travel, photography, and helping people create memories that they will cherish forever.

I am grateful for every experience, both good and bad, that has brought me to where I am today. Life is full of surprises, and I have learned to embrace them all. Who knows where my journey will take me next, but I am excited for the adventure and grateful for the life I have built so far.

My Bio

My name is Jonathan Jallet, and I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Brussels, Belgium in 1987. From a young age, I knew I had a thirst for adventure, and I dreamt of travelling the world and exploring new cultures.

At the age of 15, I dropped out of school to start working as an electrician, and it wasn’t long before I started working for myself. I became a champion of Belgium after competing as an electrician at Skills Belgium, a national competition that promotes manual jobs for the youth. This opportunity allowed me to represent Belgium at the international competition, Worldskills, held in Calgary, Canada in 2009.

This trip to Canada was my first time out of Europe, and it changed my life forever. I was exposed to so many different cultures, and I discovered a passion for photography. Canada’s vast natural beauty inspired me to capture the world through my camera lens, and I came back to Belgium with a newfound drive to learn more about photography and explore the world.

After a few years of working in Belgium, I began to feel the monotony of routine set in, and I knew I needed a change. I impulsively decided to apply for a working holiday visa to Australia, and to my surprise, I received a positive response within 48 hours. With no hesitation, I booked my plane ticket and set out on an 11-month backpacking trip around the country.

During my time in Australia, I bought my first DSLR camera and a photography for dummies book to teach myself the basics. I practiced and improved my photography skills by exchanging tips and techniques with other photographers and backpackers I met along the way.

When I returned to Belgium, I realized more than ever that I was meant to live in a sunny place, close to the beach. However, I fell back into the same routine of saving money to buy a house like most people do in their mid-twenties.

But when my best friend announced his destination wedding in Mazatlan, Mexico, I saw it as a sign. I sold all my belongings, tied up all my loose ends, and took a one-way flight to San Francisco to begin my journey around the US West Coast before heading to Mazatlan.

Mexico opened my eyes to a whole new world that I never thought existed. I was captivated by its beauty, warm people, and rich culture, and I knew I had found my new home. I spent almost a year travelling around Mexico, living off my savings, and capturing its beauty through my camera lens.

Eventually, I arrived in Puerto Vallarta, and it was here that I fell in love with the city and one of its inhabitants, Claudia. She was also a photographer, and we bonded over our shared passion. As we travelled around the city, we played with our cameras, capturing the beauty of the place and the people.

However, as my savings started to dwindle, I applied for a working holiday visa to Canada, and to my delight, it was approved.

I headed to Vancouver to work as a landscaper, but the cold weather and rain reminded me too much of Belgium, and I soon found myself missing Mexico and Claudia terribly. I quit my job and returned to Puerto Vallarta to be with her. We went back and forth between Canada and Mexico for a while, but I knew that I wanted to build a life in Mexico and pursue my passion for photography.

Claudia and I worked hard together, building our photography business and creating beautiful images for couples and families on vacation in Puerto Vallarta. We focused on wedding photography, capturing the emotions and creating images that told a story. Thanks to the trust of our clients, we were able to build a reputable studio that we still run today. We are living our dream in a beautiful beach town, making priceless memories for beautiful people from all over the world.

Now, Claudia and I have a beautiful daughter together, and my life has never been more fulfilling. Living in Puerto Vallarta most of the year is an absolute dream, and the stunning natural scenery that surrounds us provides endless inspiration for our work. We continue to run our photography studio, and helping couples remember the best day of their lives through our images is something I am incredibly passionate about.

Looking back on my journey, I realize that dropping out of school at 15 to pursue a career in manual labor may not have been the most conventional choice, but it was the right one for me. I learned that sometimes you have to take risks and pursue your passions, even if it means going against the norm. My journey has taken me around the world and allowed me to discover my true passions in life: travel, photography, and helping people create memories that they will cherish forever.

I am grateful for every experience, both good and bad, that has brought me to where I am today. Life is full of surprises, and I have learned to embrace them all. Who knows where my journey will take me next, but I am excited for the adventure and grateful for the life I have built so far.